16 February 2011

The Difficult Days

Sometimes this country breaks my heart. I just walked over to the health center. There is an infant who is malnourished and severely dehydrated. Just seeing her sunken eyes and sad face was too much.

Then as I crossed the street to my house I watched two children carrying bottles searching for water. One was bow legged due to a vitamin deficiency. They trudged along slowly going up the hill from concession to concession, as water is out everywhere around.

I wish I was superwoman and I could just fix everything instantly. I want to make it so that kids or mothers do not have to walk kilometers just to get water at their houses. I want to end malnutrition, dehydration, and hunger. If only I could snap my fingers and bam, world peace, education for all, food for all, and happiness for all.

Some days are hard. You see all of this around you and you realize that maybe what you are doing is not making any difference.

1 comment:

  1. Of course you are making a difference, don't ever doubt yourself!
    Change takes time, there's no snapping of fingers.
    Hopefully one day all of those bad things will be a thing of the past for everyone. Inspirational people like you make all the difference.

    You're doing a great thing, so stay positive.

    Missing you a lot - Your Brother Mike
